Monday, September 8, 2014

Educational Technology Experience(s)

Experiences (Or lack there of)

From what I could always remember is that my educational technology experience was either minimal or absent. It wasn’t necessarily a bad thing, for me, I’m extremely traditional- pen and paper with written assignments type of student. That may be because I was raised from two parents that grew up without technology and were very detail oriented when it came to writing everything down with a pen or pencil. Technology, for me, is somewhat difficult to wrap my head around. 

 In middle school up into high school the only use for computers that I can recall is typing any paper or document that we needed for class.  If I needed a computer to do research on, for the most part, it was done at home either on my mom’s computer or my old, run-down, brother’s hand-me-down college computer that was used when the wheel was invented. 

It first came to me once I arrived at SNHU. Never have I heard of online assignments and places where you can turn in documents to the teacher via the internet. As a senior, it took me practically all 4 years to somewhat grasp the technology experience. This class, to me, is already filling my head with different tools, resources and applications not only for my own use, but if I have students down the road. 

Who I am

I came to SNHU because, mainly, for lacrosse. We’re in a competitive league and that’s what I was looking for. The school, as well, was in an ideal location for me. I have always been around New Hampshire for family so the atmosphere around here was great for me. I’m also a huge fan of the NH falls and winters so that too, was a plus. A smaller school was something I was looking for too, and SNHU offered a smaller tight-nit community. What brought me to an education minor was my older role model in high school. I originally came to SNHU and decided to be a Criminal Justice major, but after a while I came to terms that it wasn’t for me. I knew that I had liked science and that type of work, so I switched to Environmental Science. My role-model, was my Env. Sci. and Biology teacher in high school that was also my soccer coach. I thought that with at least a minor in education that I could try and pursue that goal with either coaching lacrosse, soccer or wrestling.